Smoke a little smoke by Eric church(This is not owned by us we just thought it went with the theme of today, no need to get all uptight about it. If our use offends you in anyway then only one question need be asked...You Mad Bro?)
Lisa:Heeellllo ladies and Gentlemen,and welcome to the second annual Northglenn Morning Show 4/20 episode!!
Now heres your speacial hosts Stymie Movaphucking Downs (with a Ph), Doctor Bessnerand who could you forget that adorable hunk of a man Za- cough cough....heheh whoops feeling a bit this stuff really does the trick..wha? Oh! Heres Zant!
Stymie:thank you for that lovely intro Lisa now uh where were we ummm..... wow she wasnt kidding this stuff is reaaallly goood hahahaehhehe...heh um Oh hey everybody welcome to a great addition to the Northglenn whoring show.
Zant:morning show
Stymie:thats what i said Whoring Shoe
Zant:no you said whoring show
Stymie:WHy Zant! why would you say a thing like that! our listeners depend on us on good clean family content and here you are talking about Dirty.....sweaty....Whores...hmmm.
Stymie:Huh?! Oh hey Zant didnt even see you there howve you been?
Zant:Quite well actually,the reports from the Belgian front are proving to be quite sa
Stymie: You know what else is satisfying?
Zant:Pancakes baked to a golden crisp with a syrupy finish?
Stymie: No my(bleeped out by the editor)
Bessner: I do not think that wvould be very satisfying at all meine fruende
Stymie:what do you know you german....Bessner What the (bleeped out by the Editor) are you wearing?!
Bessner:What? its just my old uniform
Stymie:What the (bleep) is wrong with you?! thats a Nazi (bleepity) Uniform
Bessner:Its the the Fuhrers Birthday
Stymie:again what the Hell is wrong with you?!
Zant:(takes out giant sword and slices Pikel in Half) DIE DEVIL SPAWN!
Pikel:Daddy you know that doesent work on me
Pikel:Mommy always said you had a (Bleep bleep bleep!!!!) for BElgian woman
(Stymie and Bessner stare wide Eyed at Zant)
Stymie: I....cant believe all this time, you actually (Bleep Bleep Bleep, Bleep Bleep Bleepity BLEEP!)
Bessner:Watch your language Mr.Downs
Zant:im going to go smoke a pancake
Styime:and what about you its 4/20 2012 and instead of out there getting stonned and having a ball like the rest of us, your sitting in here dressed up like a goosestepping moron for the Birthday of an (Bleep) who died 70 years ago, oh and did i mention you have a stick up your butt?
Bessner: I do not!
Pikel:Actually mister Bessner
Bessner:what is it?
Pikel: there is a stick pocking out of your butt
(Bessner glances back and low and a behold there was a six and a half foot pole coming out of the rear end of his trousers)
Zant:(comes back with a smoking pancake on a skillet (yeah you thought he was actually going to smoke a pancake, admit it...bunch of Bleeping bleepers) What did i miss?
Bessner:MOTHER F-
(meanwhile in the Control studio)
Henry:What the hell is going on in there? why arent we getting any audio?
(Smith sits at a computer feriously typying away)
Smith: I dont know thats what im trying to figure out
Henry:Hurry up you British phuck
Henry: hey i said it with a PH
Smith:Youve been spending way to much time with captain sexy.....Darn if only Nikki were here hes the computer savy one
Henry:what? since when has he been an authority on tech, i though he dealed in apples
Smith:well its an apple computer...their the same thing right?
Henry:....I dont even know if i should be the suprised..just get the Dam thing Running
Smith:Okay I think I....Got it! now stop cursing!
Henry: I said D A M no N on it
Smith:your unbelieavable...huh whats appears that..oh my
Smith:it appears as if the reccording room is filled with smoke and they are all......Naked?!
Henry:wait...why is Lisa in there!?!?!
(back in recording studio)
Stymie:YEEEEHAAAAAA That is some GOOOOOOOOOD stuff!!!!
Bessner:I am...heheh..inclined to agree
Zant:Whoah many Pancakes man, their everywhere
Lisa:hehe well thanks for joining us folks hehehe hope you have a wonderful 4/20..and where Zant get that sweet (bleep bleep bleep) Over Here!
(Minutes later reading the Morning Show)
Dictator Brown: AHHHHHH MY DAUGHTER! I've just about had it with you NORTHGLENN MORNING SHOW PEOPLE! Time to throw a litte..... Waffle... Their way...
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