Opening theme: Basket Case by Green Day
Lisa: Hello Everybody and welcome to another edition of...
The Northglenn Morning Show!
Please welcome your hosts Captain Sexy, The Black, and The Bear! We join them dead in our studio (Which coincidentally is in Doctor Bessner's Sanitarium). Dr. Bessner will not be joining us as he is... preoccupied?
Captain: Indeed, I always knew that doctor had a wild side!
Black: Somehow I don't think that's what he means, Thank you Lisa, So as we all know from the smell in the air...
Henry: *Walking by* mmm... Love the smell of burning mountain in the morning!
Bear: SHUT UP! That's my home you're talking about! ...or whats left of it... *Sob*
Black: The "wildfires" up in the mountains are still burning profusely, though some of the residents who were evacuated, are now being let back in such as those evacuated for the Flagstaff fire.
Captain: What do you mean with those quotation marks around wildfires?
Black: Well supposedly a good portion of the fires were the product of an arsonist who didn't think we had enough fire-so he lit a couple of his own.
Henry: *Handcuffed and being dragged down the hallway by police* I know this looks bad but it wasn't me! I had nothing to with those fires and Smith's summer cabin being burned down-well... actually that last one might be a lie.
Black: Then another one of the fires was recently admitted to be an out of control controlled burn.
Captain: I don't need to make any jokes about that one, it kinda speaks for itself.
Bear: IN other news in Hallandale, Florida A lifeguard was fired from his job for leaving his zone to go rescue a person who was drowning out of his zone.
Black So he was fired for doing his job?
Captain: I get fired all the time doing my job!
Black: Wrong kind of fired, that's getting fired up which I'm pretty sure is not unique to just your job captain.
Captain: Indeed.... a many a good night were had thanks to that, right sarge?
Cockn'balls: Most definitively sir!
Bear: Well here's the thing, his manager told him not to leave the zone...
Captain: And leave the person to die!?
Bear: Well... by the time the lifeguard got there the people nearby had already pulled said person out of the water.
Captain: Still... he was trying to save his life.
Black: I agree with you but I can also understand why he might have been fired, I mean he was supposed to be at his post, suppose while he was off helping in the wrong zone somebody else started drowning in his zone.
Captain: I can see what you mean.
Bear: I think we all need to relax and have some honey.... and I'm not sharing.
Black: In all actuality it probably should have been the lifeguard who was in the same zone as the drowning person who should have been fired.
Bear: You know this is why I don't go swimming in the ocean. First of all Bears are much better swimmers in rivers and shallow water, second I'm a stuffed bear so my fluff gets all soggy, third, honey, need I say more?
Black: Readers What's your opinion on this life guarding situation? Just comment below this post!
Lisa: Hey guys? I think Bessner's finally cracked up!
Bear: Why do you say that?
Lisa: I just went down stairs to seduce zan... er... I mean check on Zant, and I looked in the room next to him and Bessner has constructed a... large... rectangle out of large cubes of what looked like obsidian!
*Explosion erupts from basement causing the floor to fall out under them, The rectangle of obsidian is now visible with a purple semi-opaque wall in the center. Bessner is covered in ash.*
Bessner: My friends I have just opened a portal to the other side, to another world much like our own...
Bear: *Pulling down sunglasses* ....Mother of God.
Lisa: Tune in tomorrow to see what happens next!